Hello! My name is Forshia. What's your name? Who you are is so important to God. He knows your name as he knew mine. He knows all about you and what you have longed to become.
Let me provide amazing keys that will unlock the potential for greatness that each one of us have been given by our creator.
H E A L . R E N E W . E M P O W E R .
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No Secondhand Rose
Do you struggle with depression and overwhelming anxiety? Continuous feelings of sadness, hopelessness and self-destructive thoughts? Does the fear of failure make you feel helpless to change your life? You are not alone. Forshia Ross has traveled this path and understands the turmoil that you feel. Walk with her through her book as she candidly shares her hospital experience and painful battle for emotional wholeness. ORDER YOUR COPY
Your Keys to More Abundance