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Forshia Ross Ministries
Jim's forgiveness and acceptance
My brother Jim had always been a strong man; a leader, a U.S. Air force Chief Master Sergeant and never sick! At 51 he died from complications of multiple myeloma, a deadly form of cancer. I purchased “The Miracle of Forgiveness” CD for a resource that might minister to him in his time of great need. Jim had always felt that he “wasn’t good enough” for God and could never be forgiven or accepted by Him. I believe with my whole heart that the message of forgiveness and acceptance explained by Forshia on this CD, may have been instrumental in Jim’s place in eternity, and for that I will be forever grateful!
Kathryn Payne - MA

The Wilderness Shall Blossom like the Rose &
Watch Out for Snakes

The Miracle of Forgivenss
Freedom Bundle
Help is on the way!
My book, The Wilderness Shall Blossom like the Rose, Cultivating a Prosperous Body, Mind, and Spirit, shares my journey to wholeness through the scriptures. This journey shows you how to have victory through the Word of God in every area. The Watch Out for Snakes booklet is an indepth teaching on Deliverance from Satanic Strongholds and a detailed plan for your deliverance!
Included Free: The Miracle of Forgiveness.
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